As Seen on The Knot

Garrison Historic Area


Copyright: Lisa Strachan/
DESTINATIONS barbados bridgetown Do & See Garrison Historic Area

Garrison Historic Area

“The Garrison” is another part of Bridgetown’s UNESCO World Heritage and a small district south of downtown. During the 18th and 19th century, it was the headquarters of the British West India Regiment in Barbados – evidenced in the remaining fortifications, cannons, and the iconic clock tower. The Garrison Savannah racetrack is a big part of the site, and you can watch horse races of the Barbados Turf Club here to this day.

Do & See

Besides beaches and water sports, Bridgetown offers several cultural sights. In 2012, parts of the city centre and the garrison became listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Apart from that, it can be worth considering day trips to the island’s natural gems, such as caves, woods and wildlife reserves. A special occasion is the yearly Crop Over Festival at the beginning of August – when colourful masquerade bands conquer the streets like a carnival.