As Seen on The Knot

Noël Eternel


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DESTINATIONS canada montreal Shopping Noël Eternel

Noël Eternel

Why should December be the only Christmas month? Noel Eternel makes sure to give you that Christmas feeling every day of the week and all year round, whether or not snow is falling. Offering a large variety of Christmas items such as little villages, elves, nativity scenes, tree decorations (and much more), at Noel Eternel it's Christmas every day.


There is an incredible amount of opportunities to shop for nearly anything under the sun in Montreal. And with an entire underground network of stores, hotels, and even offices nicknamed "Underground City", the cold of the winter is no excuse. Huge malls can be found throughout the whole city, but chances are Montreal will win you over with its nice markets, vintage stores or small local boutiques boasting of true Montreal style.