As Seen on The Knot

IBar Coffee & Drink


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DESTINATIONS italy taormina Cafes IBar Coffee & Drink

IBar Coffee & Drink

This neon-lit bar is located just beside the Duomo, so its outdoor seating can give you a nice view of this central part of town. You'll be able to order savoury appetisers of bread, olives and ham along with your drinks, or one of their pastries, such as the "babá with rum" cake.


If you're searching for a breakfast spot, you can head to a local "pasticceria"(pastry shop). In Italy the traditional breakfast (la prima colazione) consists of a latte and whatever your sweet tooth may have you crave. The astute Sicilians, however, came up with an idea to combine the morning meal with a refreshing solution to cope with the hot summer of the Mediterranean island: pair a "granita", which is Italian slush, with a "brioche col tuppo"and you'll get the ideal Sicilian breakfast.