As Seen on The Knot

Hamanako Garden Park


Copyright: T.Kiya/Flickr
DESTINATIONS japan nagoya Do & See Hamanako Garden Park

Hamanako Garden Park

About 30 minutes by rail from downtown Nagoya via Hamatsu City, Hamanako Garden Park is what remains of Pacific Flora, a floral exhibition that ran as a precursor to Expo 2005. Now the site, superbly located on a peninsula in Lake Hamana, has become a permanent civic attraction. Flowing through the grounds, just as during Pacific Flora, is the scenic Iridori Canal, still bridged by the classic Taikobashi (“tympani”) Bridge. The park is now a popular staging ground for rally events, including the HPI Challenge All Asia Finals.

Do & See

Let the city guide you. You don't have to put much effort into finding what to do or where to go in a city like Nagoya. Kick off your trip from Nagoya Castle and end it walking the Nakasendo Kiso Valley.