As Seen on The Knot

Souk Okaz


Copyright: Philip Lange/
DESTINATIONS saudi arabia taif Do & See Souk Okaz

Souk Okaz

Souk Okaz is a historic marketplace dating back to the pre-Islamic era, when Arabian intellectuals gathered here to share ideas and discuss various issues. The Souk today (in addition to being a market) hosts a number of events, including seminars and lectures, that ring back to its glorious past.

Do & See

Ta'if's number one attraction is, perhaps, its natural beauty. No visit to the area is complete without exploring the Shafa Mountains and taking a ride on the cable car - one of the most ambitious projects of the kind on the entire peninsula. Some of the most scenic areas full of parks, gardens and fruit farms include Al-Hada and Al-Shifa, conveniently connected to each other via a two-way road. The town of Ta'if holds a few interesting locations, such as the famous Shubra Palace, historic Turkish Fort, informative National Museum and cultural Souk Okaz.