As Seen on The Knot

Sade Patisserie


Copyright: Nicolas J Leclercq/unsplash
DESTINATIONS turkey antalya Cafes Sade Patisserie

Sade Patisserie

Sade Patisserie produce a wide variety of high quality pastries, rich with butter, almond and hazelnut flour, fresh and frozen fruits, the finest Belgian chocolate, cheese, milk, cream. Enjoy a bit of sweetness on their cosy terrace.


The Turks like to frequent garden cafés, where they drink tea or coffee, spend time together and just relax. Turkish pastries are sweetened with a great amount of honey, which, as a matter of fact, also quenches your thirst. Tea is made of mint, apples and different herbs. Caffeine aficionados will get a chance to taste the rich, dark Turkish coffee. Brewed in a traditional pot known as a 'cezve', it's enjoyed slowly, allowing time for conversation and relaxation, and a game of Tawula (Turkish Backgammon). A symbol of hospitality and friendship, this potent brew often concludes meals and is usually accompanied by a piece of Turkish delight or a square of dark chocolate, creating a perfect harmony of strong and sweet flavours.