As Seen on The Knot

Tarihi Bardakçı Hamamı


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DESTINATIONS turkey bodrum Do & See Tarihi Bardakçı Hamamı

Tarihi Bardakçı Hamamı

A tradition dating back centuries ago, before the Turks reached Anatolia: the Hamam (Turkish Bath) has become a ritual bound tightly to Islam and it´s deeply-rooted into the Turkish culture. As everywhere throughout the country, Bodrum features a great array of Hamams, most of them located in hotels. The Tarihi Bardakci Hamam is the oldest Bath in town, representing an authentic Hamam experience.

Do & See

Bodrum is an intriguing vacation spot, boasting everything from highly interesting historical sights to beachfront relaxation spots for the sun thirsty. The close proximity to the Aegean sea provides ample opportunities to explore the waters, the reefs and caves, whereas the fascinating ruins of the ancient city of Halikarnassus still enchants travelers with its rich history and magical charm.