As Seen on The Knot
DESTINATIONS addresses-7



Finding addresses in Brazil can be frustrating, as streets often have more than one name, and numbers are sometimes assigned haphazardly. In some places street numbering doesn't enjoy the wide popularity it has achieved elsewhere; hence, you may find the notation "s/n," meaning sem número (without number). In rural areas and small towns there may only be directions to a place rather than a formal address (i.e., street and number). Often such areas do not have official addresses.

In Portuguese avenida (avenue), rua, (street) and travessa (lane) are abbreviated (as Av., R., and Trv. or Tr.), while estrada (highway) often isn't abbreviated, and alameda (alley) is abbreviated (Al.). Street numbers follow street names. Eight-digit postal codes (CEP) are widely used.

In some written addresses you might see other abbreviations. For example, an address might read, "R. Presidente Faria 221-4°, s. 413, 90160-091 Porto Alegre, RS," which translates to 221 Rua Presidente Faria, 4th floor, Room 413 ("s." is short for sala), postal code 90160-091, in the city of Porto Alegre, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. You might also see andar (floor) or edifício (building).

The abbreviations for Brazilian states are: Acre (AC); Alagoas (AL); Amapá (AP); Amazonas (AM); Bahia (BA); Ceará (CE); Distrito Federal (Federal District, aka Brasília; DF); Espírito Santo (ES); Goiás (GO); Maranhão (MA); Minas Gerais (MG); Mato Grosso do Sul (MS); Mato Grosso (MT); Pará (PA); Paraíba (PB); Paraná (PR); Pernambuco (PE); Piauí (PI); Rio de Janeiro (RJ); Rio Grande do Norte (RN); Rio Grande do Sul (RS); Rondonia (RO); Roraima (RR); Santa Catarina (SC); São Paulo (SP); Sergipe (SE), Tocantins (TO).


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