As Seen on The Knot

Yaşam Vegan Cafe


Copyright: Esin Deniz/
DESTINATIONS izmir Dining Yaşam Vegan Cafe

Yaşam Vegan Cafe

This cozy vegan restaurant and cafe lies right at the heart of Izmir's market area. Additionally to a large selection of vegan desserts, cakes, teas and coffees, Yaşam also serves delicious lunch and dinner options. This is the perfect alternative to the mostly meat based dishes in traditional restaurants. Before you indulge in some sweat treats, try their Vegmacun or vegan Iskender - there is no reason to miss out on local specialities.


Izmir is awash with dining establishments, from the simple hole in the wall kebab shop to the refinery of the five-star restaurants. Most of the cheaper eats are located around the Bazaar and the Alsancak region, while along the Birinci Kordon waterfront you will find plenty of good restaurants serving up tranca and cipura, types of sea bream, which are the local specialty.