As Seen on The Knot

Panorama Raclawice


Copyright: Barbara Maliszewska / Wikimedia Commons
DESTINATIONS wroclaw Do & See Panorama Raclawice

Panorama Raclawice

Panorama Raclawice is part of the National Museum of Wrocław. This venue displays the great Panorama of the Battle of Raclawice, a 19th-century painting that is the oldest and only example of panorama painting in Poland.

Do & See

Wroclaw has lots to see, including its town hall, widely regarded as one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in central Europe, and the Hall of Lepoldin, in the University of Wroclaw, which has the largest Baroque interior in Poland. Art lovers can visit the numerous galleries, while visitors who want to enjoy leisurely walks can do so in the mighty Szczytnicki Park – one of a dozen or so parks in the city.